A scientific calculator that allows you to save, delete, and edit formulas with simple operations.It can also be used only as a scientific calculator.-Calculator calculation method-Moved to the calculator screen by creating a new one.You can also move by tapping the saved formula.It is possible to display the formula in the input text by operating the buttons from 0 to 9,., +,-, ×, /, √, Log, Log2, Log10, ^, (,). Log returns the natural logarithm. "^" Can calculate exponentiation.When dealing with √, Log, Log2, Log10, ^, it is necessary to use () properly.example√ (2) Route 2 log10 (10) Log 10 10 (2) ^ (2) 2 squaredlog10 ((10) ^ (2)) log 10 to the square of 10You can also display the caret by tapping the input text. The caret can be moved in each direction by operating the →, ←, and buttons.Click the = button to display the result of the formula on the Ans screen. At this time, if there is an error in the formula, the result will be displayed.You can erase one character of the formula with the Del button. You can also delete the input text and Ans text by pressing the AC button.-How to save formulas-You can save the formula by pressing the save button on the upper left of the calculator screen. Only the input text and title are saved at this time. The title can be edited by tapping on the title text.-Use of saved formulas-By returning to the startup screen and tapping the text displaying the saved title and formula, you can move to the calculator screen that holds the title and formula. This screen can be edited.After editing, you can save the edit by pressing the save button on the upper left of the calculator screen.-Delete the saved formula-By tapping the text displaying the saved title and formula, you can move to the calculator screen that holds the title and formula, but by pressing the delete button on the upper left, you can delete the saved formula. You can delete it.